16 April 2020 at 04:21PM
2020 Diversity and Inclusion Survey Results
Thank you to all of the Members and Volunteers who participated in our 2020 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion survey! Your input is crucial for the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Committee to help shape the way the Rochester Chapter serves you.
Along with several initiatives determined by the DEI Committee, these survey results impact our planning. Using the survey, we gain demographic information which informs our understanding of the needs of our PMI Rochester community. We also learn your opinions on how we are doing as a Chapter. Thank you for participating!
This survey is anonymous. Feel safe about providing answers.
We received feedback from both Members and Volunteers.
- Members are defined as PMI Rochester members who do not currently volunteer for the organization. 78% of our responses were from Members.
- Volunteers are PMI Rochester members who volunteer on the Board, as Managers or Directors, as Committee members, or for specific timed initiatives. 21% of our responses were from Volunteers.
This section summarizes the results of the multiple choice/demography.
- 96% of respondents are employed full time
- 4% of respondents are retired
- 0% of respondents are unemployed and looking for work.
If you are in the market for a new job, check out our Career Corner at https://pmirochester.org/classifieds.php?type=job. Our Chapter is working with local companies and recruiters to list opportunities here.
- 66% of our respondents are Female, while 34% of respondents are Male.
- 77% of respondents identified as heterosexual. 4% of respondents identified as gay or lesbian. 4% of respondents identified as bisexual. The remainder of respondents preferred not to say.
For next year’s survey, the DEI Committee will review this question and our survey email to ensure that respondents know that their answers are confidential, and to include more options to better represent the range of LBGTQIA+ answers.
- 85% of respondents identify as White, 4% as Black or African-American, 7% as Hispanic of Latinx, and 4% as Other.
- Only 3% of respondents were 30-39 years old, 37% were 40-49 years old, and the majority of respondents were 50 and older. The well-being of any professional or organization is recruiting the next generation of people. The DEI Committee will support the other committees who already target the next generation.
- 11% of respondents identify as Military Veterans. Did you know PMI Global offers programs and discounts for Military Veterans? Go to https://www.pmi.org/military to learn more.
- The survey respondents answered that they did not require accommodations for disabilities, or preferred not to say. If you would like accommodations or have recommendations for how our website or events could be more accommodating, please contact the VP of Professional Development or the Director of DEI.
In addition to demographics, the Chapter wanted to know how our members feel we are doing.
The majority of Members rated the Chapter Leadership as responsive to Member needs. 3.7% rated the Leadership at Somewhat or Very Unresponsive. The Chapter will continue to work towards responding to Member needs and feedback.
Several respondents provided feedback to our request, “Please, tell us something that you think PMI Rochester could do better.” Here is a sampling of responses. We are actively considering all feedback.
The DEI Committee is pleased to see that the respondents indicated that the Chapter is doing much better regarding diverse programs and speakers. Additionally, we learned that 60% of respondents are aware that we have a DEI program, up from 25% last year.
- More virtual meetings and virtual opportunities to volunteer.
- Offer meeting discounts to retirees.
- More case studies for benchmark project management.
- Join activities with other PMI chapters.
- Show culturally responsive meeting content and processes.
- More job opportunities on website.(Note: We are working hard to increase postings. Check them out at https://www.pmlocaljobs.com/?pmi=pmi-rochester.)
- Make it easier for new people to contact the leadership at the chapter to better understand the offerings and volunteer positions available. (Note: Our updated website design, released in February, makes it easier. From the home page choose Get Involved > Volunteer or go to https://www.pmirochester.org/volunteer.)
- I'm new around here. I've noticed a lack of diversity but I'm not sure if that's a "problem" or just a reflection of the people in PM roles in Rochester. Either way, I enjoy the D&I workshop and look forward to more.
- Please get back to the basics of having program offerings that teach project management fundamentals, in addition to the additional new offerings related to leadership and strategy.
- Working with Ithaca and great emails.
- PDD attracts a diverse group of people and celebrates the profession of Project Management.
- Recognized diversity is important.
- Adding Equity to D & I
- Communication Engaging.
- Communicating!
- Love the annual PDD day.
- PDD is an excellent conference.
- I love that you are always mixing it up for chapter meeting locations. This is hard to do and takes time, but it demonstrates that you are making efforts to include everyone who wants to be included.
- Flexibility and adaptability--as well as changing meeting times/locations and topics.
- Communications via email has been very good. Good local events - thank you
- Great events, programs and offerings. The volunteer team shows their passion and enthusiasm.
- By the breadth of services available. Well worth the membership dollars.
- Great professional dev opportunities!
- Love the increased opportunities in the non-profit space with areas like the Day of Service and Volunteering for RMAPI.
Please know, your feedback and collaboration is always welcome and we’d love to speak with our Members to gain more in-depth insights. If you would like to talk with us about these results, join our committee or discuss planning initiatives, please email us at diversity@pmirochester.org.