18 June 2020 at 09:07AM
PMI Rochester Board of Directors Sends a Message
The PMI Rochester Board of Directors sent an important message on racism today. Emailing it's members, the message reads as follows:
Dear PMI Rochester Membership,
Like many of you, we've read, watched, and listened in horror at the news of the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Tamir Rice, and many more, knowing that their names join a long list of others throughout the deep-rooted history of racism in the United States and around the world. We are taking this opportunity to speak out. PMI Rochester condemns the murder of George Floyd and what this inhuman act represents. We stand in solidarity with the Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) community and other minority groups for justice, equality, liberation and freedom.
As project managers, we have a front row seat to the difficulties human beings face in keeping commitments. The power is within the commitment of each and every one of us to treat everyone else as they would want to be treated, and that takes active work. Through this commitment, human interactions will change, and systemic racism will have a chance to be acknowledged and destroyed.
We invite you to join us in taking action with commitment in that active work:
- Get involved with PMI Rochester's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) program that has been active since 2017. Our DEI program seeks out minority-based professional organizations to continue to form alliances and pathways that reflect our organization's commitment to inclusion;
- We are partnered with several organizations and programs including Catholic Family Services' Educating Youth in Project Management, Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative (RMAPI), The Chamber of Commerce and ROC 2025, M.K Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence (ROC The Project), and Volunteer Legal Services Project;
- Identifying and extracting any practices within our organization that do not support a culture of equality, justice and empowerment.
- Aligning our organization with PMI and our President & CEO, Sunil Prashara's message of One Team, One Song, One Dane: Standing for Equality, Justice and Inclusion. Read Sunil's letter here.
We call out to you to be engaged and champion justice for all. These events serve as a wake-up call to look within and determine how we can be a catalyst for change. Our organization will continue to bring discussions, training, articles and events to the membership to raise awareness and affect that change. Please read our DEI policy statement and blog here.
Email Lori Gacioch at president@pmirochester.org, or Wendy Ross, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at diversity@pmirochester.org to learn more.
Very Truly Yours,
The PMI Rochester Board of Directors