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PMI Rochester Represents at Soulforce II

Diversity and Inclusion

Four PMI Rochester members attended Soulforce II – an M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence celebration and fundraiser – on April 4, 2019. The funds raised through the event support peacebuilding in Rochester. Protest novelist and nonviolence trainer, Rivera Sun, gave an inspiration speech.

Nonviolence is not only the absence of violent. It encompasses anything that is done instead of violence. Regarding making change in the community, examples include boycotts, protests, volunteering for anti-poverty initiatives. Rivera explained that for real change, only 3.5% of the population need to engage in resistance or boycott to be effective. In fact, 3.5% of a population engaged in nonviolent resistance can topple a dictator. 3.5% of the greater Rochester area is less than 8,000 people. Imagine what we can accomplish together!

For more information about Rivera, go to http://www.riverasun.com/.

For more information or to get involved with the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, go to https://gandhiinstitute.org/.

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Pictured here, left to right:

  • Lori Gacioch, President, PMI Rochester
  • Stacie Maston, ROC the Project PM
  • Charlie Colbert, ROC the Project Team Member
  • Wendy Ross, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, PMI Rochester


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