The President shall be the chief executive officer for the Rochester Chapter and of the Board. The President shall perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers. The President shall serve as a member ex-officio with the right to vote on all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall also, at his/her discretion, make business decisions in the Chapter’s interest in areas not defined by the bylaws.
Detail Duties include:
- Responsible for achieving the chapter vision, mission and objectives as detailed by the chapter board, PMI and chapter strategic plans
- Direct the activities of other officers toward chapter goals and objectives
- Serve as the primary liaison with PMI®
- Ensure the charter renewal is updated and that the chapter is in compliance as specified by PMI
- Preside over the Board meetings and the annual general membership meeting
- Ensure all chapter business is being done legally and ethically
- Legally represent the organization (a dual responsibility – President & VP of Finance)
- Ensure chapter coverage and payment to PMI each year
- Ensure Board members understand and abide by provisions of policy
- Representing the Rochester Chapter at the annual Leadership Institute Meeting PMI meeting (LIM), or arrange representation if unable to attend
- Represent the Rochester Chapter at the annual Region 4 Leadership Meeting, or arrange representation if unable to attend
- Appoint a Board member to preside at Chapter and/or Board meetings when both the President and President Elect are absent
- Review and recommend all Chapter appointments such as replacement of Board members, the Nominating Committee and any other special committees in accordance with Chapter bylaws
- With the board, ensure prudent disbursement of Chapter funds
- Ensure statutory and regulatory compliance in consultation with the VP of Finance
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning and develop Annual Budget.
Immediate former elected Chapter president will provide overall oversight of the chapter and board in accordance with Chapter policies and bylaws.
Detail duties include:
- Maintain continuity in the Chapter to help to ensure smooth board transitions
- Assist the Board with strategic policies.
- Proactively support and promote the work within the Board
- Assume the role of mentor for the president as appropriate
- Assist the President in liaison with PMI if and when required
- Assume the position of chair for the Election nominating committee
- Lead and direct the elections process as needed
- Provide ethics enforcement and guidance to the Board
- Support conflict resolution
- Outreach with past presidents
The Vice President of Programming provides opportunities for and encourages the professional growth of our members. The VP of Programming actively defines strategies for improvement in professional development/training programs; recommends, develops and delivers project management education materials, courses, presentations, and sessions. In addiiton, this role also provides oversight of Programming Directors (as of 2024: Rochester, Ithaca and the Southern Tier) and various other Programming event volunteers, the DEI Director who shall provide programming in diversity, equity and inclusion. and the Certification Manager who shall be the resource for information pertaining to earning and maintaining PMI credentials. In addition, the Certification Manager shall also be responsible for PDU Claim code processing for Chapter members.
Detail duties include:
- Develop strategies for improvement in professional development / training programs.
- Develop and implement a Chapter professional development plan, including a program roadmap for professional development content programs.
- Develop and coordinate the presentation of programs relating to project management for each regularly-scheduled Chapter meeting. The content of these programs is to be consistent and in accordance with the Rochester Chapter objectives.
- Negotiate and sign contracts for Chapter Programming Events as needed.
- Recruit and manage volunteers for the Programming Directors positions and Programming team.
- Seek new project management professional development programs and services through networking with other educational organizations and PMI chapters
- Promote the project management profession through the planning and coordination of special events, as identified by the chapter board, designed to enhance and expand the skills and knowledge of project managers
- Incorporate feedback, suggestions and recommendations as necessary to enhance effectiveness and value delivered to the audience and chapter as they relate to the logistics of events/programs
- Oversee Chapter Programming events, presentations and training programs
- Invite key influencers from industry to participate in Chapter Programming events
- Advance the project management profession through the planning and coordination of special events, as identified by the chapter’s board
- Identify opportunities for expanded professional development offerings for Chapter members (meetings, webinars, training, etc).
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning and develop Annual Budget for Programming.
The VP of Outreach is responsible for developing strategies for the Chapter’s outreach initiatives in the areas of community and academic outreach. In this role, the VP of Outreach works closely with outreach program directors to set program goals and develop new initiatives.
Detail duties include:
- Assures synergy between all PMI Rochester Chapter outreach programs
- Appointment of Outreach Directors members
- Provide strategic and logistic direction for all Chapter outreach programs
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning activities, develop annual budget for Outreach Portfolio of pgroams, and manage variances for all outreach programs
- Oversight of the ROC the Project (RTP) Program Director in staffing, planning and execution of the annual collegiate RTP case competition
- Oversight of the Academic Outreach Direcgtor in planning and execution of the university outreach activities
- Oversight of the Social Good for Youth Program Direcotr in planning and execution of high school outreach activities
- Oversight of the Chapter’s Social Impact Program Manager in planning nad execution of programs
- Oversight of the Chapter's Professional Awards Program and Program Manager
The VP of Membership is responsible for addressing the needs of the chapter membership, including recruiting and retaining members while promoting the value of PMI membership and chapter membership.
Detail duties include:
- Create, maintain and execute a Chapter Membership Plan that ensures the continued growth through proactive recruiting, retention and member engagement; incuding the establishment of measurable goals and the monitoring of success metrics.
- Lead the Membership team to support the goals of the Chapter Membership Plan
- Maintain Chapter membershp records and distribute reports as needed.
- Communicate with Chapter members on a regular basis; including:
- Membershp value
- Welcome New Members
- Congratulte New Certifications for Members
- Reminders to members about PMI and Chapter renewals
- Answer general membership inquiries and other requests for assistance with membership and its benefits
- Conduct, assess and use membership surveys to measure perceptions and expectations of the Chapter; including the Annual Membership Survey
- Implement reward and recognition programs for Chapter members; including member "give back" events
- Implement reward and recognition programs for Chapter volunteers; including volunteer appreciation events
- Plan and host member networking events
- Facilitate the Chapter Mentorship Program team
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning and develop Annual Budget for Membership.
The VP of Technology is responsible for all aspects of chapter technology including the acquisition of, support/maintenance of, technology governance, and long-range and annual planning of technology in accordance with any current or future PMI procedures and guidelines. The VP of Technology is also the Chapter's designated Security Contact.
Detail duties include:
- Coordinate the technical roadmap and execution for the Chapter.
- Maintenance and support of all technology tools (software and hardware); including: email platform, social media accounts, shared drives, virtual meeting software,event platforms, eCommerce, etc. for the Chapter.
- Maintain security access to Board members and volunteers to the Chapter's technology as appropriate.
- Provide training and suport of Chapter's technology.
- Monitor 3rd party security compliance (e.g., eCommerce).
- Act as primary contact to any 3rd party technology (e.g., ticket support, upgrades, etc.).
- Develop and maintain backup plans (e.g., budgets, contracts, event plans and member contact information).
- Act as Chapter's Security Contact to creat and enact security policies, procedures and guidelines; report and resolve security incidents with PMI staff as appropriate.
- Assess technologies and their value that are being used today in the Chapter.Provide direction and recommendations of what technologies shoud be used and champion adoption to ensure Chapter sustainability.
- Participate in Request for Proposal (RFP) and contract negotiations in partnership with Board for new technologies.
- Gather requirements for opportunities to enhance and streamline Chapter technology.
- Collaborate with other PMI Chapters to stay attuned to PMI technology enhancements.
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning and develop Annual Budget for technology.
The VP of Governance shall oversee, coordinate and provide current and long range planning in areas concerning Bylaws, Chapter Policies and Procedures, Contracts, and Elections.
Detail duties include:
- In partnership with the President, prepare and facilitate the monthy Board meetings; including scheduling, agenda, meeting minutes, and record keeping.
- Facilitate annual review with the Board, and update if needed, of the PMI Rochester Chapter Bylaws. Coordinate changes with PMI GOC.
- Coordinate annual review and update, as needed, for the PMI Rochester Chapter Operations Manual
- Oversight of the Chapter Election process; including forming and leading nomination committee, timeline and deliverables.
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning and develop Annual Budget for Governance.
The VP of Marketing & Communications (MarComm) shall coordinate all marketing for the Rochester Chapter and produce and distribute all electronic communications to the Rochester Chapter membership.
Detail duties include:
- Annual review and update of the Chapter Marketing and Communications Strategic Plan
- Recruit for and manage the Communications Team (e.g., website, social media, event creation).
- Responsible for maintaining Chapter website; including accuracy and currency
- Oversight of any communications (e.g., emails, monthly eBlast, etc) to the Rochester Chapter via appropriate communication methods (e.g., email, and social media)
- Answering questions submitted through the Chapter website
- Provide guidance to board members to ensure adherence to PMI® marketing branding guidelines in the distribution of all Chapter communications, printed and electronic.
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning and develop Annual Budget for MarComm.
The VP of Finance is responsible for maintaining and presenting Chapter financial records required for Chapter operations. The VP of Finance shall also contact a qualified individual with accounting and/or auditing experience, on an annual basis to review and report on the accounting processes of the Chapter and ensure compliance with all appropriate regulatory laws. Partnership and collaboration with all Board members, bookkeepers, accountants or auditors may be involved. There is a fiduciary duty to be fiscally responsible for the Chapter and operate transparently with the membership and PMI. The VP of Finance partners and collaborates with tje Chapter President on Chapter finances.
Detail duties include:
- Manage and balance Chapter finances so that revenue outweighs expenses to ensure Chapter sustainability.
- Awareness of local tax laws, requirements and exemption rules
- Maintain Chapter checking, savings, eCommerce and all other investment accounts
- Provide monthly financial report to Board; including acutal transactions, forecasts, and explanations
- Provide year-end fiscal summary for the annual PMI Charter renewal and to membershp at the annual membershp meeting
- Manage all Chapter revenue and expenses; including event income, sponsorships, invoices and bills
- Manage all Chapter membership dues, insurance and grants processing with PMI
- Maintain Balance Sheet - statement of finacial position
- Maintain Income Statemen - statement of activities
- Maintain accounting information and documents - ensuring they are up to date
- Maintain Chapter financial policies; including: processes for accounting, controls for spending and rules for record retention
- Contract review, Chapter credit card limits, check-signing authorization.
- Maintain relationship with Bookkeeper and/or CPA as appropriate
- Manage month-end and year-end book closings
- Assure annual IRS tax filings (1099s and Tax Returns) are completed in a time manner.
- Assure compliance with IRS Tax Code available to 501-c-6 \\\"Tax Exempt\\\" organizations.
- Function as the Chapter's Professional Development Day (PDD) Finance Manager partnering with the PDD Director to manage the PDD finances (budget and actuals).
- Participate in Chapter Annual Planning and develop Annual Budget for Finance.