MEMBER APPRECIATION: Claiming Our Talents: How we can channel our strengths effectively in challenging times
The unprecedented COViD-19 pandemic has forced us to quickly adapt to a completely "new normal" manner within which we live and work. This 90-minute strategic workshop will set the framework for exploring our natural talents and how they bring energy and productivity to our day-to-day. We will then take a deeper dive into the current structure of our world and how this has impacted our energy, effectiveness, and engagement in what we do. Participants will glean tangible strategies for how we can best reclaim our strengths and talents and channel them to still bring us energy despite challenging circumstances.
Liz Green
As a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Liz offers individual and group facilitation and coaching. For the past two years, Liz has facilitated a comprehensive strengths strategy for her current organization at Syracuse University. She has held a variety of positions in higher education student services over the past 16 years. As Executive Director of the Office of Online Student Success at SU, she is responsible for advising, success, and retention of part-time online students, as well as broad campus strategies to support students in the online environment. Liz has held positions at public and private institutions in housing, residence life, enrollment services, and student conduct. Her specific interest areas include team dynamics, organizational development, emergency and crisis management, staff supervision, program development, employee engagement, and coordinated student services efforts. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in English from SUNY Geneseo and a Master of Education from the University at Buffalo.
Liz’s Top 5 Strengths are: Discipline, Achiever, Analytical, Learner, and Individualization
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