PMI Binghamton January Chapter Meeting: Riding the Storm Out: Project Management as a Life Skill is Good for the Mind


“Life is one big project. The trick is managing it.” As practitioners in the art and science of Project Management, Project Managers leverage their skills and tools to achieve success in delivering a product or service to their stakeholders. In life, we are faced with risk and adversity that challenge us each and every day. Hence, as a service to ourselves, the use of Project Management as a life skill can help us overcome these challenges in much the same as delivering to the stakeholders of an organization.
The topic for this talk will be to present a non-traditional application of Project Management as a life skill. This personal journey, reflecting on the art and science of project management, discusses how the basic tools of Project Management were an effective life skill in overcoming challenges associated with mental illness. 
Brian Gregory, PMP

Engineering Program Manager

Brian Gregory, PMP has focused his passion on practicing in the art and science of project management. In his current role he is an Engineering Program Manager focused on developing cutting edge technologies in the electronics assembly space. His past positions range from managing multi-million dollar projects to building successful international PMOs. Brian earned his PMP credential in 2011 and started serving as a chapter leader for the PMI Rochester Chapter in 2012. He has held several chapter leadership roles including Chapter President, Past-President and, currently, VP of Governance. Brian is a degreed engineer, holds an MBA and has earned his Master’s Degree in Project Management.


Date: January 14, 2021

Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM

Location: PMI Binghamton Virtual Event

Price: FREE




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Type of category: Virtual

Date: January 14th, 2021

Hour: 6:30PM to 7:30PM

Number of PDUs: 0


Members: Free

Non members: Free
